An auditory and tactile experience played on a wooden game board exploring people’s stories about marginalization, oppression and the navigating hope for the future. Participants unravel stories of struggle and hope by holding hands with each other while touching the board. As they progress towards the centre of the board, more stories emerge.
Collaborators: Hope Erin Phillips (Programmer, Wood Crafter), Raoul Olou (Art, Sound Editor)
Special Thanks: Kara Stone, Owen Bell, Carolyn Jong, Kim Hoang, Pippin Barr, Rilla Khaled, Ben Swinden, Ana Tavera Mendoza, Marc Beaulieu, Milin Li, Amanda Tom, Mattias Graham (Photography), Kevin Macleod (Music)

This project was made possible through the Technoculture, Art and Games Research Center’s Critical Hit: Games Collaboratory and the support of Concordia University and Dawson College and financial contribution of the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie.